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Bold, Bright Mesa Cloth


Original price was: $170.00.Current price is: $150.00.

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Elder weaver Deonicia Apaza Gerillo created this large and interestingmesa cloth. She knelt on the ground, leaning over her simple loom for many days outdoors in her remote village of Quico in Q’eros at over 14,000 feet in elevation. Your purchase includes a photo of Deonicia’s husband holding the weaving. Your purchase supports her family, and her community in building food security and other community-based projects to protect their traditional culture.  29 x 27 inches (74 x 69 cm)
Learn how your purchase helps the Q’ero people: Q’ero Life in the Andes: A Partnership.
To learn more about Q’ero weaving and watch them spin and weave, watch this brief video: Weaving in the Q’ero Nation.