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This soft, delicate scarf was woven by a young weaver, Yahayda Gerillo Machaca. Yahayda learned the art of weaving from her mother, and favors weaving chalinas. Light tan in color with an decorative border and a distinguished band of Ch’unchu symbols. This would make a wonderful gift or a treasure of your own. A photo of Yahayda holding your chalina is included with your purchase, personalizing your investment.
We see the art and tradition of weaving as sacred, and celebrate the fact that everyone participates in keeping this knowledge alive, even the younger generations. Your purchase helps the continuation of this sacred craft. 63 x 5.25 inches plus fringe. 160 x 13 cm.
Watch the Journey of your textile. Tribal Store: Supporting Q’ero Culture
How your purchase helps the Q’ero people: Q’ero Life in the Andes: A Partnership.
About Q’ero textiles. Watch them spin and weave: Weaving in the Q’ero Nation.