Gloria lives in the tiny village of Yanaruma with no roads, no electricty, and no plumbing. Your purchase helps improve food security and education through partnership projects with the local community. Visit Heart Walk Foundation to learn more.
Gloria Samata Apaza
Apr 13, 2018
Building a High School in the Clouds
Our generous donors are funding the first high school in the ethnic Hapu Q’ero region of Peru. Children will no longer have to leave their families to attend secondary school. This new high school at 12,000 feet elevation in the Andes will bring relief to many families struggling to help their children get a basic education.
Did You Know…
Buying textiles provides income for Q’ero families. We purchase directly from each weaver and agree on a price. Since 2004 the quality of textiles has improved as the weavers have responded to our feedback about the qualities we look for....