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This strong mesa cloth features clear bright colors — including a bit of soft purple, which is unusual in Q’eros. The overall effect is balance of hue and tone that evoke peace and stability. The red hues are softer and deeper than in the photos. Four bands of sacred Chunchu symbols express the Q’ero people’s belief in the coming return of Inkarri (great Inka leader) and the resurgence of the greatness of the descendants of the Inka people. The mesa reflects the sacred complementary male/female duality as lived in the Andes of Peru. Your purchase helps the weaver, her family, and her community build a more sustainable life and supports their traditional Q’ero culture. 33 x 27.58 inches. 84 x 70 cm. Your purchase includes a photo of Domingo Quispe Paucar, the weaver’s husband, who is holding your new mestana.
Watch the Journey of your textile. Tribal Store: Supporting Q’ero Culture
Learn how your purchase helps the Q’ero people: Q’ero Life in the Andes: A Partnership.
To learn more about Q’ero weaving and watch them spin and weave, watch this brief video: Weaving in the Q’ero Nation.