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Mesa with Inti variations


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Pascuala Quispe Paucar created this lovely textile featuring a variety of sacred Inti symbols that represent the positions of the sun at midnight and noon, the rising sun and the setting sun. Pascuala used black and soft maroon yarns for the outer and middle bands, complementing the brighter yarns depicting the sacred Sun.   This textile is soft and folds nicely.  29 x 26 inches. 74 x 66 cm.  Your purchase includes a photo of Pascuala’s huband holding your new textile.   Your purchase helps the weaver, her family, and her village build food security and schools and helps to preserve the beautiful Q’ero culture.
Learn more about the Q’ero people and how your purchase helps Q’ero communities.  Heart Walk Foundation
Watch videos about Q’ero Life in the Andes.