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This poncho belonged to a small child and was made by his mother to keep him warm. It is the kind traditionally worn by Q’ero men and boys. It features two narrow bands on each side reflecting the sacred Inti, or Sun/Light. It is open under the arms and drapes equally in the front and back. In the constant cold of the Q’ero highlands, the poncho provides necessary warmth and often serves as a blanket at night. Despite the appearance of simplicity, the weaver must work many days to complete even a small poncho. 20.5 inches across the front and 20.5 inches across the back. 28.25 inches from the shoulder to the hem in the front, and the same downt he back. 53 cm acrross the front. 53 cm across the back. 71.5 cm from the shoulder to the hem in front, and the same length in the back. NOTE: The photos of the little boys show them wearing ponchos in other colors.
Learn how your purchase helps the Q’ero people: Q’ero Life in the Andes: A Partnership.
To learn more about Q’ero weaving and watch them spin and weave, watch this brief video: Weaving in the Q’ero Nation.