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Wachala – Soft Inner Cloth in Natural Colors


Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $50.00.

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This beautiful wachala, or inner cloth, features a variation of the Sasqua Tiki — the flowering plants – reflecting the Q’ero people’s intimate relationship with Pachamama and agriculture. The people use wachalas to carry sacred coca leaves. Women tuck them in their waist belts. Men carry them in their coca bags.  This beatuiful wachala was created by Emiliana Phacsi Mamani of Hapu community in Q’eros. 15.5 x 14.5 inches.  40 x 37 cm . Your purchase includes a photo of Emiliana holding your new inner cloth.
Learn how your purchase helps the Q’ero people: Q’ero Life in the Andes: A Partnership.
To learn more about Q’ero weaving and watch them spin and weave, watch this brief video: Weaving in the Q’ero Nation.