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Soft Double Inti Mestana / Natural Alpaca Mesa


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Genoveva Apasa Chura from Quico wove this sweet, sacred mesa cloth using all natural baby alpaca fibers and naturally dyed alpaca fibers. The symbols throughout this beautiful mesa cloth are of colorful double Inti representing the contrast between night and day. This standout textile featured finely spun yarns and precise detail.  Genoveva shows her advanced skills with the gentleness of this large ceremonial textile. Your purchase helps Genoveva, her family and her community of Kiku (Quico) to build a stable life where they can live in their ancestral homelands and practice their spiritual traditions.  31.5 x 27.5 inches. 80 x 70 cm.  Your purchase includes a photo of Genoveva’s husband holding your new mesa cloth in their home community, connecting you to her home and lineage.

Learn how your purchase helps the Q’ero people: Q’ero Life in the Andes: A Partnership.
To learn more about Q’ero weaving and watch them spin and weave, watch this brief video: Weaving in the Q’ero Nation.